Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pipit - Eagle - Great Horned Owl - February 20, 2010

The American Pipit is alive and well at Pte Moo HQ. It's been seen and photographed over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). In fact, he was so obliging that he sat on the water wall and gave you a front view and profile (left and right). After searching out the Pipit and getting a few shots of the Goldeneyes and Buffleheads I parked outside the gate and just watched the traffic of birds flying in and out of the brush and come in for a morsel or two off the ground. The weather was so cooperative that sitting and watching the usual Cardinals, Chickadees, Wite-throated Sparows, Tree Sparrows, House Finches, Downy and red-bellied Woodpeckers and a few Red-winged Blackbirds for two hours was soothing and entertaining. If you wait long enough the Fox Sparrow and Song Sparrow will and did make an appearance. This seems to be the only time I really have any patience.

Just before leaving the HQ - Jerry was coming in to conduct his tour for "Birding On Ice". I mentioned to him the birds that I did see and he was off to his group and I was off to Lake Erie Metro Park. As I turned onto Jefferson from Campau Road an object in the tree to the left caught my eye. Checking to make sure there was no traffic coming towards me I made a turn to head back to check out what was there. I parked along side the road where another car had stopped to take a few shots at the Bald Eagle sitting in the tree. I got out of my vehicle and walked across the street to see if I could get a better shot of the huge bird. He kept eating the branches that were in his way - just didn't know why. I figured that he would have flown off when I crossed the road but he stood his perch. After about 50 shots I decided to make my exit.

From the time I left Pte Moo I was debating if I should attempt a walk around the nature trail at LEMP. One couple told me that the trail wasn't too bad and that you could see some of the ground and there was still snow on the edges. Another told me she just had double knee replacement and wasn't heading down any trail. So the decision was made - I only had one knee replacement - I had my combat boots on (I had traction) - and there was still snow on the edges of the trail - it was a go. I began my walk from where "Luc" is housed and walked to the back boardwalk where the Great-horned Owls nested last year. Hollow was empty so I went to finish my walk. Just before stepping off the boardwalk I heard a bird singing so I stopped to listen to where the sound was coming from. While looking around I caught the eye of a Great-horned Owl just sitting in the tree past the fragmites. Catching a photo of this guy was more than I could have ever hoped for. After about 100 shots I figured I should have at least one good one and I was off to continue my walk. Since I had to walk slow through the trail I searched the trees and found nothing more to photograph. I was homeward bound.

I can't remember when I walked the nature trail at LEMP last but, for being my first time out in quite a while - this was truly a "Good Day". Til my next post.

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