Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bald Eagle - April 20th

This post is a continuation of the day before. For the past month and a half I have had to put in some over-time due to construction going on in our building. In the past four weeks before heading in I take a quick run over to Pte. Mouillee just to see what's out there. All is quiet - nothing in the streams - so I take a ride all the way in beyond the gates. The lake is quiet - nothing on it except for a boat where I see no one on. Must be taking a nap. Finally three Mute Swans fly over and then a couple of - finally, something to actually take a picture of. While photographing the passing geese something caught my eye. Watching diligently I kept an eye on this large bird to see if I can get an idea of where he is going to land. As I make my way to leave it dawned on me that this bird had a white tail. What were my chances? As I approach the gate to leave - driving ever so slowly I look up and to my left - what a sight. This picture was taken quickly with my Canon Rebel with a 500mm lens.

Another vehicle that was at Pte. Mouillee stopped behind me and turned off his engine. After waiting a while he pulled to mention to me that there was another in the other tree. Having my scope set up finally I look to see if I can find the other. Not really seeing too clearly I managed to take a couple other photos and sure enough there were two. I did go back later that afternoon and she was perched in the same tree - determined to get a photo with my scope I first attempt to take a picture with my Canon but she doesn't stick around for that. Watching where she is going to land I pull up behind a tree (hoping she won't see me) get my scope out get it all set up - move to get her in focus and she is off and flying again. A dissapointment but at least I have the pictures that I took in the morning. There'll be another day.

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