Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pte Moo to LEMP - March 27, 2010

While looking out my kitchen window and watching the bright red Cardinal and the two Juncos ground feeding I was trying to put my thoughts into words about my day. I drove out to Pte Mouillee HQ to see if I could catch a sunrise. I always seem to miss it and almost did today. I have got to remember that I need to leave the house at least an hour before the sunrises. There really wasn't much to take photos of except for the Great Scaups. There were three Tree Swallows flying over the water (too far out to get a good shot but good enough to tell what they were). A Bald Eagle landed in the trees before I left.
With nothing to photograph I decided to head over to Lake Erie Metro Park. First stop is to talk to Luc and then head on down the path. First pictures before I even hit the trail were a couple of Cedar Waxwings. Within about ten steps something small caught the corner of my eye, a Golden Crowned Kinglet. After bouncing around in the trees on my right he flew to my left side and bounced there too until he decided to be very cooperative. I must have taken at least a hundred photos until I told myself that I needed to stop - I thought he would have flown away after ten shots.
Except for some distant sounds it was pretty uneventful. The creek at the boardwalk had and Egret as a Blue Heron flew in. I continued my walk with no sightings. The last bird seen on my walk was a Black-capped Chickadee.
Before heading home I decided to make a run down to Roberts Road to see if anything was out there. I went down to Reaume Road to see if I could spot the Red-tailed Hawk that I saw making a nest about two weeks ago. Before reaching Roberts Road I spotted a Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk sitting in a tree, I backed up a little and managed a few shots. Other than that the only other birds spotted were a lot of Red-winged Blackbirds and a few Song Sparrows.

On my way home there is a stream next to the high school in passing I noticed that there were two Egrets standing in the water near the tall grasses. Well with things that need to be done at home I end this post. Til my next one...


Jerry Jourdan said...

Wonderful photos, Patricia!


netcam said...


We are interested in using one of your Pt. Mouillee sunset photos for project for a upcoming local event we are working on... If could please contact me at Jonathan at and I can fill you in on the details.

(734) 379-4000